As a person with a huge collection of movies, games, and CDs, this has just about been the perfect app for me. I can sync it across my phone and my iPad with multiple categories that are customizable which helps prevent me from buying repeats in my collection or loosing track of a film I loan out to a friend. It also has a nice, clean interface with box art displayed for each item and even summery and imdb info for a fair amount of the movies (you can add this manually as well for every entry). My only gripe is the camera scanner. It worked beautifully for a while and I was able to load my entire collection in just an hour or so (which for having around 500 items is pretty darn fast), but lately it has had lots of trouble sending the info to its server and getting any response. I will scan a barcode and it will stick on a "sending product information" message and never seem to recover. I usually have to just give up on the camera scanner, restart the app, and manually enter or search for the item which is a big buzzkill especially since the batch camera scanning was a big selling point for me. All in all this app has a great setup and is very easy to use making it essential for someone with a large or growing collection of any media, but until the issues with the camera scan are addressed Im not sure that I can recommend it over other apps within the same price range that claim to do similar things.
Darius263 about Fantastic Library